Diagnosing your patient. How do I know that I need to give THIS for THAT?

Diagnosing your patient. How do I know that I need to give THIS for THAT?

Over the years we have talked THOUSANDS of times on how to use say Oregon Grape Root for XXX infection or to use Kefzol for YYY infection. But we never told anyone the HOW of the matter.

HOW do you tell if it is strep or staph or MRSA or Pseudomonas or some sort of fungal infection?

How do you tell if a person is Anemic? Or has a nonspecific infection. If they have a flu or malaria?

But first this: Use of the information on this site is AT YOUR OWN RISK, intended solely for self-help, in times of emergency, when medical help is not available, and does not create a doctor-patient relationship.

The information on this site is meant to be used only during times when improvisational, last-ditch efforts are all that is possible. When writing posts, the author often assumes that if anyone uses the advice, the person will have no access to regular medical equipment or supplies. The author always assumes that the person will not have access to professional medical care. DO NOT USE THIS INFORMATION WHEN YOU CAN GET MORE TRADITIONAL OR PROFESSIONAL CARE, I am NOT a doctor. I CAN NOT advise, diagnose or treat injuries or illnesses that are outside of my scope of practice.

For the SHTF medic, one piece of medical equipment is worth its weight in gold. A medic with just bare bones training AND color PRINTED and protected pictures can deduce and treat a HUGE amount of sickness without guess work

The humble microscope. A GOOD student quality microscope, (Read inexpensive and tough) can be had for under 50 bucks.

The microscope with a bit of training some inexpensive dyes and slides, can be a lifesaver in an extended SHTF situation that is long term with out normal medical care.

What can yo do with a microscope?

Be able to look and see what type of bacteria you are dealing with. With a simple and inexpensive stain set, known as Grams Stain. With this you can tell what type of bacteria, and what antibiotic or herbal antibiotic will work. Guess work is eliminated. In this image you have Staphylococcus aureus the purple and the pink rods is Ecoli.





You can look at a smear of blood and with training and guides you can tell if your patient is anemic, or has a blood infection (Septicemia) or has a has a disease, such as Malaria, dozens others are in the realm of a medic to be able to treat in a SHTF situation.

But what if your precious microscope is damaged lost stolen or traded? You have no light to use a reflective one or no more batteries? How do you tell if a patient is infected AND what type?

Prior to our understanding and the ability to see bacteria we depended on our senses to diagnose

An old doctor I knew as a kid, who is long gone had a saying. The best surgical instrument ever made is the index finger. The best diagnostic tools are the eyes ears and nose. Look at your patient, LISTEN to your patient and SMELL your patient.



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