Civil war and Disease

Over the years we have talked about nuclear war chemical war, SHTF because of crazy politicians money collapse and general bad things. One thing that Cat the Herbal Prepper and touched in in past Medic Shack and Herbal Prepper Live shows is normal disease’s that follow war, or SHTF collapse.

So lets look at 2 recent civil wars. Bosnia and Syria.
First off lets start with the worst mistake made in medicine at the beginning of the civil war.
There were HUGE signs of the impending war. The crash of Communism, the heated political rhetoric. The clashes between the 3 sides in small isolated conflicts.

So No preparations were made, no stockpiling of medications, no reorganization plan to help them quickly adapt to wartime conditions – if the need arised. As a result, the hospitals in Sarajevo ran out of basic surgical material (dressings, bandages, sutures, cleaning solutions, and similar) within the first three months of the siege. Essential medications, oxygen, and anesthetic gases were at a premium, and the power and water supply were cut off after several months. At the end of the first year medicine had returned to the mid 1800s level of technology. Another problem that I can see happening is the health care post SHTF going to “highest bidder” Meaning If you can pay you get treated. If not. So sorry Charlie. Don’t tell me it won’t happen. You all have seen the deterioration of medical ethics today. Doctors putting in pacemakers on people who don’t need them. Writing scripts on expensive drugs to treat a patient where a proven, less expensive drug, or no illness at all, to get some kick back from Big Pharma. I could go on but this is not what this news letter is about.
After the major medical centers closed and supplies were not to be found and good clean food and water was not available disease reared its wartime head. The official statement by WHO and the Red Cross was limited spread of infectious disease’s happened during the war. In reality, Typhus, Cholera Parasitic intestinal infections (Giardia Cryptosporidia) rose rapidly. Due to malnutrition there was a huge increase in deaths from flu measles and exposure. Scarlet Fever killed 2 out of 10 children under the age a of 6. Due to lack of clean water for hygiene fleas lice, mites and other insects infested the population. Outbreaks of Bubonic plague happened. Also instances of Bartonellosis (Trench Fever) Leishmaniases, Lyme disease Hepatitis A and C and others. Since it was declared a non outbreak event by the WHO there are few numbers to support the claims of eyewitnesses of the event.

Lets fast forward to the 21st century and Syria. Syria did not have the same level of medical infrastructure that central Europe had. Health care was situtated in the larger cities and towns and the rural population made their ways to the cities or treated themselves.

The Syrian civil war on the other hand has had and does have extensive coverage by the WHO and other medical organizations. And the documentaion of disease during the war is published and it is in a word scary.

The war started inn 2011. In Syria Hepatitis A was almost unheard of. By 2012 an average of 2200 cases a year appeared. Typhoid less than 50 in 2011. By 2012, 1150.

Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. In 2011 less than 100. By 2012 52,900 cases. There is incomplete data after 2012 since the information is highly controlled and unverifiable.

One thing that is similar between both modern civil wars. No preparations were made by the local medical community. All the signs were there but no one in government or medical leaders choose to do something.

So what does all this have to do with the Prepared Medical Prepper?


As we see from recent history the government nor the national and local health communities will do NOTHING to prepare for anything until its to late. Are we on the cusp of a civil war? It very possible giving the current state of relation we have with each other in our own country. The divisional racial wedge that has been driven between us. And the current fight we have about The Constitution of The Untied States.

So what do we need to look out for?

First I am not going to get in to the argument on vaccines. Not my monkey not my circus and my opinions are my own on it. Some that willl emerge are, Cholera,typhoid, infectious hepatitis,polio,cryptosporidiosis, and ascariasis. Lyme, Leishmaniasis STD’s . Pertussis, Measles Mumps, Strep and Scarlet Fever. In the southwest look for more plague, tularemia and hanta. The southern tier of states will see an increase in the semi tropical and tropical diseases Yellow fever, Dengue West Nile. Etc With the current medical system in place those are kept at bay in this country. If we have a Bosnia or Syria event happen here, all bets are off.

What can we do about it?

In prior newsletter I have talked about accumulating and storing modern meds. Antibiotics, Analgesics Antihistamines etc. We know from prior TMS shows and newsletters that stored properly “hard) (As in their form pills, powders) do not expire. The Miltary drug extension program has proven that. There are a lot of alternaive methods for treating those same diseases. They key to them is early diagnosis and treatment. Colloidal Silver should be at or near the top of the list. As well as high berberine containing plants.

Today lets talk about Cholera
Cholera may be a major player. It’s contracted from bad or dirty water. Untreated it’s mortality is 30% to 50%. Its also the easiest to diagnose. In the beginning it starts with diarrhea and progresses to the classic “Rice water stools”. Pale to clear with what looks like rice bits. Instead of the normal oder of stools it usually has a fishy odor., This is the intestinal lining being stripped off. The major killer is dehydration. IV or oral rehydration is a must. A common treatment that does work is to use a solution called
Oral Rehydration Solution. Pedialyte will work but making your own is always an option.

Per quart of water.

1/4 teaspoon of salt (sea salt is preferred or table salt) 1/4 teaspoon of potassium chloride (“Salt Lite”, “NoSalt”, or a salt substitute. If this is not available four teaspoons of cream of tartar can be used.) 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) 2 1/2 tablespoons of sugar, (honey can be used, but not with infants and small children)

It is extremely important to measure carefully. Especially the potassium chloride. To much can cause heart complications.. NOTE. If making this for IV use DO NOT ADD SALT TO A SALINE SOLUTION. Also do not use the cream of tartar since it contain anti caking agents.. The best solution to mix this in for IV use is D5W. Mixing the items in Lactated Ringers or Normal Saline can result in electrolyte imbalance and resulting heart rhythm problems. If mixing in D5W omit the sugar. However no major issues will happen.

The modern drugs that are used to cholera are Ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, erythromycin. Currently they can be found in tropical fish stores. They are harder to find in feed stores due to a 2017 change the FDA made in the use of antibiotics in food animals. This caused a knee jerk reaction of pulling all of the shelves.

The main alternative items that have been shown to help with cholera after rehydration are: Oak bark. The tannins work well on slowing it down so the body can cope.

Berberine bearing plants. Oregon Grape Root, Barberry plants of that family. They have been shown to have good results on stomach illnesses IF taken early.
Colloidal Silver. Taken early and during the illness. Studies in India of CS has shown it to be effective in combating cholera. Do not mix it with the ORS or silver
chlorides will result and argyria will result.
Coptis species . Most commonly known as Golden thread flowers. They have been used to treat cholera fo centuries in China and the rest of the far east. Also in the eastern US the Native Americans used coptis for the same treartment

Diseases released during and after a civil ware are real and are deadly. The best method to combat them is hygiene, clean water and proper and enough food. Cat and I have preached that one thing. Food is medicine.

Next time I’ll continue with another SHTF disease. Typhoid


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