Merging of two great pages

It’s been a long time since I posted here. Christine and I have knocked around the idea of just putting TMS to bed. Then things change. The economy, well she’s a changing. Sure, right now gas prices are going down, but that happens every election year. Groceries are going up. At our local Walmart in Barnwell SC, an 18 count of eggs is 5.77 for the large and 6.22 for the 18 count of WM brand eggs. And healthcare costs are up. But the biggest change is our electrophysiology program where I work is being discontinued for an extended time. That’s all I can say right now without getting into trouble with corporate.

So, we’ve decided that we’re going to just say Eff it and do our own thing. We have another page that we’ve been working on for a while. Southern Skills for the Modern Homestead. And we’ve taught an revamped Medic Shack Class. But it doesn’t fit in that page. Sure it was a hit, but it just doesn’t fit. So we’re going to revive The Medic Shack and do medical classes on it. Just like we did before. And SSMH will be more homesteading and crafting. This way we can focus on each one and make each the best they can be. And mirror posts between the two that fit in. So updates will be coming to TMS and SSMH. Classes, Crafts how to’s and homestead geared items.

For the Medic Shack updated classes, blogs that pertain to the changing medical landscape of the 2020’s. Changes in wound care due to new technology. And herbs since the FDA made it illegal to buy “vet meds” (NOTE We do not condone the use of vet meds on humans)
In the coming days and weeks y’all will see new and revamped pages and hopefully some new classes and crafts and good old fashioned southern tips and tricks!
Chuck and Christine Hudson

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