Wound Care Webinar!








This is TONIGHT 12.10.2015

Wound care. How many know how to do it? OK how many know how to do it correctly? Cool!!! Well now. Lets put some polish on those skills and for those that are new lets got you going the right way. Thursday 8pm Eastern The Herbal Prepper and The Medic Shack are working together and doing a part series on wound care.  In the best of times wound care is important. In SHTF it is vital to survival. Depending on how and were death can occur between 60 seconds to 3 minutes. Now in a person in a witnessed respiratory arrest brain damage starts at 4 minutes and death 4-6 minutes later. YOU HAVE TIME TO STOP BLEEDING. Breathing can wait.
So sign up for this course. It may be a loved one who needs your help

Wound Care Webinar Part 1. Stopping the Bleeding!

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