The Prepper Medicine Chest

The Prepper Medicine Chest


Over the last few weeks Cat and I have talked about the modern medicines and herbal medicines we stock. So this week show is on the Prepper Medicine Chest

If you hit up Google, 90% of the “Prepper and Survival” sites include essential oils. Now don’t get me wrong EO’s are a valuable asset to have. I use them and keep them on hand. They just have a very short shelf life compared to herbs and modern meds. And like most modern medicines they are difficult to impossible to make by the average prepper. There are some outstanding small steam distilleries for a few hundred dollars. But as usual I am off on a tangent.

Prepper medical storage is a compromise of multiple items. Stability, Reproducibility Barter and do you know how to use them.
Modern medicines are very shelf stable the US Army SLEP Program (Shelf Life Extension Program)
SLEP Study monitors a battery of different drugs and after testing extends the shelf life by 60 to 130 months. The longest life drugs are powders and pills the shortest liquids and creams.

Herbal medicines have long shelf lives, not as long as the modern drugs. But they are Reproducible. With proper care and environments you can re grow your stock annually or replenish by wild crafting.

Barter. This is the part where making or having extra comes in handy. By storing extra or harvesting and making extra can pay dividends


So tune in Sunday 6pm PDT 9pm EDT on the The Survival Circle and bring your pen and paper as I go over what I stock in my prepper medicine chest. Cat will not be with us this week. She is off to her Secret Forested Mountain Lair

This time it is plotting the take over of the essential oil industry and set them right

A bit of a change. The News letter will be the only place for the tip of the week. It will contain what we will talk about in this weeks show.

So sign up for our news letter. In it you will find tips tricks and mail only specials

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