9-2-2015 More on the Airway

Smoke is in the news of late. There are massive fires in California and the Pacific NM.

Preppers need to take extra care if someone in your group has asthma or any other breathing issue.

So why smoke and preppers? Well what is most cooking going to be done on? Wood. Propane Natural Gas and the like may be in short supply. Wood will heat our homes and cook our meals. At least in rural America

Some folks react badly to wood smoke in the air. The fires in the west are really effecting the way people breath as far east as Central Texas. The drug that people reach for the most fro Asthma type problems is Albuteral. Albuteral ius a great drug, minimal side effects and fast acting. I keep at least 5 inhalers around the house. One in the BOB One in my medic bag. One in in the kitchen. One in the truck and one in the ammo box. Why so many? I get em for cheap. My son has light asthma. And a couple people in our group with lung issues

Now the what ifs. What if there is no more Albuteral and none is expected? Also it can be expensive and needs a prescription to buy. There is a OTC Substitute, Primatene Mist. It works. But for the life of me I cant see why it is OTC and Albuteral is prescription. Primatene Mist as a HUGE and bad side effect profile. It can raise a person’s heart rate and cause palpitations or “fluttering of the heart.” It also tends to make the person shaky and nervous. It’s basically inhaled adrenalin! But it does work. And it is something all preppers should have in their kits. Why? Someone MAY need it. Are prepper medics expected to treat out side of their group? I’ll leave to each individual. Also dont forget the barter value of medicine.

And one more what if? What if the Primatene Mist is gone? Well nature didnt leave us totally high and dry.

Also you all dont think the Medic Shack would leave y’all like that?

Herbal Remedies

There are herbs that will reduce attacks by strengthening the lungs and the immune systems as well as calming and relaxing.

Angelica –  possess anti-inflammatory properties and increases immune system function; which is why the root is often used in treating allergies as well.

Anise – often an ingredient in cough syrups and lozenges as an expectorant, which means it helps in the coughing up of mucus in conditions like asthma, bronchitis, the common cold and whooping cough.

Coltsfoot –   since the principal active ingredient in the plant is a throat-soothing mucilage, it has been used medicinally as a cough suppressant and remedy for asthma and bronchial congestion.

Elecampane – long valued as a tonic herb for the respiratory system. It is often used as a specific remedy for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Elecampane soothes the bronchial tube linings and acts as an expectorant.

Horehound – anti-inflammatory and is often used to treat respiratory aliments such as asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough.

Licorice – has been used traditionally to restore breathing and calm the breathing passageways.

Lobelia –  is a bronchodilator and antispasmodic which explains its popularity as a medicinal herb for asthma, spasmodic croup, pneumonia and whooping cough. It is thought to stimulate the respiratory center of the brain resulting in deeper and stronger breathing.

Marshmallow –  a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant. The soothing and healing properties that are found in the mucilage in marshmallow make it a valuable herb for many lung ailments such as asthma.

Motherwort – decreases the severity of lung spasms but also reduce anxiety, thus lessening the chance of an attack.

Mullein – contains antiseptic agents and is mostly used today for chest ailments including asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy and whooping cough.

Passionflower – decreases the severity of lung spasms but also reduce anxiety, thus lessening the chance of an attack.

Skullcap – due to its anti-spasmodic and sedative effects, it is also great for treating throat infections and incessant coughing.

Slipper Elm – has anti-inflammation and anti-irritant properties and is often recommended for lung conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, sore throats, coughs, pleurisy, or lung bleeding.

Turmeric – powerful anti-inflammatory and it is believed to reduce inflammation. Shows a similar efficacy to cortisone.

Wild Cherry–  is an expectorant, antispasmodic, and antitussive. These properties indicate its usefulness as a preparation for bronchitis or whooping cough and can be helpful in coughs that accompany pneumonia. It is also helpful in coughs with influenza, where there is associated shortness of breath and or wheezing

This list just scratches the surface. This weeks show is going to be on the lungs. We only think about them when they are broken.

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