The Medic Shack Wound Closure Class $ 75.00
Wound Management Class.
I am working on setting up the next Basic Wound Care Class Saturday 21 January 2017, at the Vista Grande Community Center 15 La Madera Rd, Sandia Park, NM 87047 Times will be 0900-1600
I will post a confirmation once I receive confirmation from the community center. So lets get signed up and get trained New Mexico!
This is a 1 day basic wound care and closing class
• Cleaning puncture and lacerations
• Different solutions used to clean a wound
• irrigation and removal of all foreign material
• Using Steri Strips and bandages
• Using staples, glue and sutures to close with.
• How to establish and maintain a sterile field
And Much More!
In this 8 hour course we will bring the knowledge of how to clean and debride a wound prior to closing. We’ll go over the different solutions used for irrigation, to include herbal wound washes. Wound care in a clean room setting is bad enough. Doing it out doors is TOUGH. I’ll go through the details on how to clean care for and close a wound while minimizing infection
We’ll also discuss, demonstrate and have you practice the 4 main methods of closing a wound. Bandage/Butterfly. Glue, Staples and of course Suture
[wp_cart_button name=”wound1″ price=”75.00″]
Wound Care Deposit
This 25% deposit is NON REFUNDABLE. It may be applied to a later class up to 1 year ahead
[wp_cart_button name=”WoundCare” price=”18.75″]